

  • Tröger, J.-A., Steinweller, C., Hartmann, S.: Identification, uncertainty quantification and validation of orthotropic material properties for additively manufactured polymers, Mechanics of Materials 197, 105100, 2024.
  • Tröger, J.-A., Römer, U., Hartmann, S.: Comparing frequentist and Bayesian uncertainty quantification in two-step constitutive model calibration, Proceedings in Applied Mathematics & Mechanics 24(2), 2024.
  • Hartmann, S., Tröger, J.-A., Römer, U., Wessels, H.: Parameter identification using finite elements and full-field data in the all-at-once context, Proceedings in Applied Mathematics & Mechanics, 2024.
  • Eivazi, H., Alikhani, M., Tröger, J.-A., Wittek, S., Hartmann, S., Rausch, A.: Enhancing multiscale simulations with constitutive relations-aware deep operator networks, Proceedings in Applied Mathematics & Mechanics 24(2), 2024.
  • Römer, U. , Hartmann, S., Tröger, J.-A., Anton, D., Wessels, H., Flaschel, M., De Lorenzis, L.: Reduced and all-at-once approaches for model calibration and discovery in computational solid mechanics, Applied Mechanics Reviews, 2024.
  • Müller-Lohse, L., Hartmann, S., Richter, A., Rembe, C.: Strain determination using a global interpolation concept based on coherence scanning interferometry measurements, Experimental Mechanics, 2024.
  • Tröger, J.-A., Sartorti, R., Garhuom, W., Düster, A., Hartmann, S.: Full-field validation of finite cell method computations on wire arc additive manufactured components, Archive of Applied Mechanics 94, 2431-2449, 2024.
  • Tröger, J.-A., Hartmann, S., Treutler, K., Potschka, A., Wesling, V.: Simulation-based process parameter optimization for wire arc additive manufacturing, Progress in Additive Manufacturing, 2024.
  • Martinez Page, M.A., Hartmann, S.: Modeling and Simulation of the Aging Behavior of a Zinc Die Casting Alloy. Applied Mechanics 5, 646-695, 2024.


  • Hartmann, S., Müller-Lohse, L., Tröger, J.-A.: Temperature gradient determination with thermography and image correlation in curved surfaces with application to additively manufactured components, Experimental Mechanics 63, 43-61, 2023
  • Hartmann, S., Palkowski, H., Ziegmann, G., Dileep, P.K., Fischer, T., Harhash, M., Hua, W., Javadi, M.: Experiments, modeling and simulation of single-step manufacturing of metal-polymer-metal sandwich structures with fiber-reinforced core, Berichtsband Clausthaler Zentrum für Materialtechnik Band 11, Hrsg. Clausthaler Zentrum für Materialtechnik, Shaker Verlag , Düren, pp. 15-30, 2023 (ISBN: 978-3-8440-9090-1)
  • Tröger, J.-A., Hartmann, S.: Thermal finite element simulations for extrusion-based additive manufacturing processes, in: Tagungsband 5. Niedersächsisches Symposium Materialtechnik 23.-24.02.2023, Hrsg. Clausthaler Zentrum für Materialtechnik, pp. 1-22, 2023
  • Eivazi, H., Tröger, J.-A., Wittek, S., Hartmann, S., Rausch, A.: FE2 computations with deep neural networks: algorithmic structure, data generation, and implementation, Mathematical and Computational Applications 28(4), 91, 1-37, 2023
  • Hartmann, S., Dileep, P. K., Grafenhorst, M.: A time-adaptive FE2-approach within the method of vertical lines, Computers & Mathematics with Applications 151, 222-243, 2023
  • Müller-Lohse, L., Tröger, J.-A., Hartmann, S.:  Coupled strain and temperature gradient analysis in curved surfaces, Proceedings in Applied Mathematics & Mechanics 23, 1-7, e202300041, 2023
  • Tröger, J.-A., Eivazi, H., Hartmann, S., Wittek, S., Rausch, A.: Efficient integration of deep neural networks in sequential multiscale simulations, Proceedings in Applied Mathematics & Mechanics 23, 1-8, e202300052, 2023


  • Dileep, P. K., Tröger, J.-A., Hartmann, S., Ziegmann, G.: Three-dimensional shear angle determination with application to shear-frame test, Composite Structures 285, 2022, 115134
  • Tröger, J.-A., Hartmann, S.: Identification of the thermal conductivity tensor for transversely isotropic materials, GAMM-Mitteilungen 45: e202200013, 2022
  • Hartmann, S., Dileep, P. K., Harhash, M., Palkowski, H.: Thickness determination of laminate core layers from microscopy images, GAMM-Mitteilungen 45: e202200008, 2022
  • Dileep, P. K., Hartmann, S., Hua, W., Palkowski, H., Fischer, T., Ziegmann, G.: Parameter estimation and its influence on layered metal-composite-metal plates, Acta Mechanica 233, 2891-2929, 2022
  • Leistner, C.: Thermo-Mechanically Coupled Curing Processes of Epoxy Resin Systems, PhD-thesis, Institute of Applied Mechanics, Clausthal University of Technology, Report No. 2/2022
  • Tröger, J.-A., Hartmann, S.: Parameter identification and uncertainty quantification of the thermal conductivity tensor for transversely isotropic composite materials, PAMM Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 22(1), e202200026, 2022
  • Müller-Lohse, L., Tröger, J.-A., Hartmann, S.: Application of radial basis functions in strain analysis of digital image correlation, PAMM Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 22(1), e202200140, 2022
  • Dileep, P. K., Hartmann, S., Javadi, M., Palkowski, H., Fischer, T., Ziegmann, G.: Uncertainty estimation using Gaussian error propagation in metal forming process simulation, PAMM Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 22(1), e202200073, 2022


  • Hartmann, S., Liese, T.: Measures describing curvilinear short fiber distributions, Archive of Applied Mechanics, 91(2): 673-686, 2021
  • Hartmann, S., Gilbert, R. R., Kheiri Marghzar, A., Leistner, C., Dileep, P. K.: Parameter identification of unidirectional fiber-reinforced composites, Archive of Applied Mechanics, 91(2): 687-712, 2021
  • Hartmann, S.: The Method of Vertical Lines in Non-Linear Finite Elements, Plenary Lecture at the GAMM Annual Meeting, Kassel, 16.3.2021 (60min movie)
  • Hartmann, S., Müller-Lohse, L., Leistner, C., Tröger, J.-A., Wächter, M., Esderts, A.: Theorie der Vollfelddehnungsanalyse. Ein Verifikationsbeispiel bei rauen Oberflächen, Tagungsband Symposium Materialtechnik, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, 2021, 120-129
  • Hartmann, S., Łodygowski, T., Stavroulakis, G.: Editorial, Archive of Applied Mechanics 91(2), 543-544, 2021
  • Hartmann, S., Gilbert, R. R.: Material parameter identification using finite elements with time-adaptive higher-order time integration and experimental full-field strain information, Computational Mechanics 68, 633-650, 2021
  • Bohn , C., Ehlers , R., Esderts , A., Hamje , J., Hartmann , S., Inkermann , D., Lohrengel , A., Lorenz , S., Rausch , A., Rembe , C., Spitzer , K.-H., Treutler , K., Wächter , M., Wesling , V., Wittek , S.: Lichtbogenadditive Fertigung: Werkstofforientierte Prozesskette für multimaterielle Strukturbauteile, Giesserei 11, 2021, 60-66
  • Diebels , S., Eberl , C., Fritzen , F., Hartmann , S., Niebel , M.: NFDI-MATWERK: Nationale Forschungsdaten-Infrastruktur für den Bereich der Materialwissenschaften und Werkstofftechnik, GAMM Rundbrief 2/2021, 32-33
  • Hartmann, S., Müller-Lohse, L., Tröger, J.-A.: Full-field strain determination for additively manufactured parts using radial basis functions, Applied Sciences 11: 11434, 1-24, 2021


  • Hartmann, S., Kheiri Marghzar, A., Gilbert, R. R., Pangboonyanon, W., Meiners, D.: Experiment, modeling and simulation of bypassing holes in composites, Composite Structures 234: 111666, 2020, 1-16
  • M. Harhash, R. R. Gilbert, S. Hartmann, H. Palkowski: Experimental characterization, analytical and numerical investigations of metal/polymer/metal sandwich composites – Part 2: Free bending, Composite Structures 232:111421, 2020, 1-15
  • Leistner, C., Hartmann, S., Abliz, D., Ziegmann, G.: Modeling and simulation of the curing process of epoxy resins using finite elements, Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 32, 327–350, 2020
  • Leistner, C., Hartmann, S.: Monitoring the surface temperature on curing epoxy resin samples, Application Report Infratec 01/2020, 5 pages
  • Wächter, M., Leicher, M., Hupka, M., Leistner, C., Masendorf, L., Treutler, K., Kamper, S., Esderts, A., Wesling, V., Hartmann, S.: Monotonic and fatigue properties of steel material manufactured by Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing, Applied Sciences 10(5238): 1-22, 2020


  • Martinez Page, M. A., Weidenfeller, B., Hartmann, S.: Influence of temperature and aging on the thermal diffusivity, thermal conductivity and heat capacity of a zinc die casting alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 786, 1060-1067, 2019
  • Hartmann, S., Mohan, J., Ganzer, L., Hagemann, B.: Injection and production modeling ofhydrogen gas-wells, in: Bericht 2017-2018, Simulationswissenschaftliches Zentrum Clausthal-Göttingen, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, 91 - 105, 2019
  • Leistner, C., Löffelholz, M., Hartmann, S.: Model validation of polymer curing processes using thermography, Polymer Testing 77, 105893, 2019
  • Hartmann, S.: Vom Experiment zur Vorhersage des Bauteilverhaltens in der Festkörpermechanik, in: (Ed.) C. Müller-Goymann, Jahrbuch 2018 der Braunschweigischen Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft, Cramer Verlag, Braunschweig,, pp. 73 - 94, 2019
  • Gilbert, R. R., Grafenhorst, M., Hartmann, St., Yosibash, Z.: Simulating the temporal change of the active response of arteries by finite elements with high-order time-integrators. Computational Mechanics 64(6), 1669-1684, 2019
  • Hartmann, S., Kumar Dileep, P.: Classical beam theory with arbitrary number of layers. Technical Report Series Fac3-19-02, Faculty of Mathematics/Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering, Clausthal University of Technology (Germany), 2019
  • Hartmann, S.: From experiments to predicting the component behavior in Solid Mechanics. Technical Report Series Fac3-19-03, Faculty of Mathematics/Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering, Clausthal University of Technology (Germany), 2019
  • Hartmann, S.: Bericht Forschungssemester SS 2019
  • Grafenhorst, M., Hartmann, S.: Time-adaptive computations for the mortar finite element method, PAMM Proceedings of Applied Mathetmatics and Mechanics 19, 2019, e201900019, 1-2
  • Martinez Page, M. M.: Thermo-mechanical behavior of a zinc die casting alloy considering natural aging, Dissertation (Bericht 1/2019) am Institut für Technische Mechanik der TU Clausthal, 2019


  • Martinez Page, M. A., Hartmann, S.: Experimental characterization, material modeling, identification and finite element simulation of the thermo-mechanical behavior of a zinc die-casting alloy, International Journal of Plasticity 101, 74 - 105, 2018
  • Hartmann, S., Rodriguez, S.: Verification examples for strain and strain-rate determination of digital image correlation systems, in: (eds.) Altenbach, H., Jablonski, F., Müller, W., Naumenko, K., Schneider, P., Advances in Mechanics of Materials and Structural Analysis. Advanced Structured Materials, Advanced Structured Materials No.80, Springer International Publishing, Cham (Switzerland), 135 –174, 2018
  • Hartmann, S., Mohan, J., Müller-Lohse, L., Hagemann, B., Ganzer, L.: An analytical solution of multi-layered thick-walled tubes in thermo-elasticity with application to gas-wells, International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 161, 10 - 16, 2018
  • Hartmann, S., Gilbert, R. R., Sguazzo, C.: Basic studies in biaxial tensile tests, GAMM-Mitteilungen 41(1):e201800004, 2018
  • Martinez Page, M. A., Hartmann, S.: Modeling of aging effects in a zinc die casting alloy, Technische Mechanik 38, 55 - 72, 2018
  • Sguazzo, C., Hartmann, S.: Tensile and shear experiments using polypropylene/polyethylene foils at different temperatures, Technische Mechanik 38(2), 166-190, 2018
  • Hartmann, S., Gilbert, R. R.: Identifiability of material parameters in solid mechanics, Archive of Applied Mechanics 88 (1), 3 - 26, 2018
  • Hartmann, S., Kheiri Marghzar, A.: Modeling of fiber circumplacement around a hole using a streamline approach. Universal Journal of Mathematics and Applications 1, 17 – 28, 2018
  • Leistner, C., Hartmann, S., Wittrock, J. , Bode, K.: Shrinkage behavior of Araldite epoxy resin using Archimedes' principle, Polymer Testing 67, 409-416, 2018
  • M. Harhash, R. R. Gilbert, S. Hartmann, H. Palkowski: Experimental characterization, analytical and numerical investigations of metal/polymer/metal sandwich composites – Part 1: Deep drawing,
    Composite Structures 202, 1308 - 1321, 2018
  • Martinez Page, M. A., Ruf, M., Hartmann, S.: Numerical modeling of the thickness dependence of zinc die-cast materials, Computational Mechanics 62, 655 - 667, 2018
  • Martinez Page, M. A., Hartmann, S.: Effects of aging in the thermo-mechanical response of a die casting alloy, PAMM Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 18, 2018, e201800043, pp. 1-2
  • Hartmann, S., Gilbert, R. R.: From Experiment to Material Parameter Identification, PAMM Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 18, 2018, e201800440, pp. 1-4
  • Leistner, C., Abliz, D., Ziegmann, G., Hartmann, S.: Modeling and simulation of curing processes using time-adaptive, high-order time integration, PAMM Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 18, 2018, e201800152, pp. 1-2
  • M. Grafenhorst: Zeitadaptive Finite-Elemente-Berechnungen thermomechanisch gekoppelter Problemstellungen sowie Mortarkontakt, Dissertation (Bericht 2/2018) am Institut für Technische  Mechanik der TU Clausthal, 2018


  • Martinez Page, M. A., Hartmann, S.: Experimental characterization and modeling of the thermo-mechanical behavior of a zinc die-casting material, in: (Ed.) Clausthaler Zentrum für Materialtechnik, Tagungsband 2. Niedersächsisches Symposium Materialtechnik, 23. bis 24. Februar 2017, Fortschrittsberichte der Materialforschung und Werkstofftechnik/Bulletin of Materials Research and Engineering, Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 41 - 52, 2017
  • Kowarsch, R., Zhang, J., Sguazzo, C., Hartmann, S., Rembe, C.: Speckle-interferometric measurement system of 3D deformation to obtain thickness changes of thin specimen under tensile loads, Proc. SPIE 10329, Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection X, 103291O (June 26, 2017); doi:10.1117/12.2269988
  • Hartmann, S.: A remark on material parameter identification using finite elements based on constitutive models of evolutionary-type, Computer Assisted Methods in Engineering and Science 24, 113 - 126, 2017
  • Rothe, S., Hartmann, S.: Field Assisted Sintering Technology, Part II: Simulation, GAMM-Mitteilungen 40(1), 2017, 8 – 26
  • Grafenhorst, M., Rang, J., Hartmann, S.: Time-adaptive finite element simulations of dynamical problems for temperature-dependent materials, Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures 12(1), 2017, 57 - 91
  • Moharrerzadeh Kurd, S., Hassanifard, S., Hartmann, S.: Fracture toughness of epoxy-based stepped functionally graded materials reinforced with carbon nanotubes. Iranian Polymer Journal 26 (4), 253 - 260, 2017
  • Gilbert, R. R., Hartmann, S., Kudela, L., Rank, E., Yossef, O., Yosibash, Z.: Numerical modeling of active response of arteries. PAMM Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 17, 189 – 190,  2017
  • Leistner, C., Wittrock, J., Abliz, D., Ziegmann, G., Hartmann, S.: Experimental Investigation and Modeling of Volume Shrinkage in Curing Epoxy Resins. PAMM Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 17, 429 – 430, 2017
  • Martinez Page, M. A., Ruf, M., Hartmann, S.: Modeling and Simulation of the Thickness Dependence in Die Casting Structures. PAMM Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 17, 449 - 450, 2017


  • Gilbert, R. R., Hartmann, S., Kudela, L., Rank, E., Sahar, G., Yosibash, Z., Yossef, O.: Parameter identification of the passive response in arteries. Technical Report Series Fac3-16-01, Faculty of Mathematics/Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering, Clausthal University of Technology (Germany), 2016
  • S. Hartmann: Technische Mechanik. Prüfungstrainer, Wiley, Weinheim, 2016 (ISBN: 978-3-527-33700-2)
  • Rothe, S., Kalabukhov, S., Frage, N., Hartmann, S.: Field Assisted Sintering Technology. Part I: Experiments, constitutive modeling and parameter identification, GAMM Mitteilungen 39(2), 114-148, 2016
  • Martinez Page, M. A., Hartmann, S.: Experimental investigation, material modeling and parameter identification of a zinc die-casting alloy, PAMM Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 16, 371-372, 2016
  • Sguazzo, C., Betz, S. Hartmann, S.: Experimental and numerical study of polypropylene/polyethylene thin foil in biaxial tension, PAMM Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 16, 395-396, 2016
  • Grafenhorst, M. Hartmann, S., Rang, J.: Time-adaptive non-linear finite-element computations for thermo-mechanically coupled analysis in inelastic dynamical systems, PAMM Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 16, 443-444, 2016
  • Gilbert, R. R., Hartmann, S., Kudela, L., Rank, E., Yosibash, Z., Yossef, O.: Problems in parameter identification of the passive response in human arteries, PAMM Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 16, 83-84, 2016
  • Harhash, M., Palkowski, H., Sguazzo, C., Hartmann, S.:   Experimental and numerical investigations of metal/polymer/metal laminates: thermo-mechanical and forming characteristics. In: (Ed.) Clausthaler Zentrum für Materialtechnik, Berichtsband Clausthaler Zentrum für Materialtechnik (Zeitraum 2013-2015), Band 03, Shaker Verlag 2016, 31 – 45


  • Hartmann, S.: The Deformation Gradient in Curvilinear Coordinates. Technical Report Series Fac3-15-02, Faculty of Mathematics/Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering, Clausthal University of Technology (Germany), 2015
  • Diebels, S., Hartmann, S.: (Editorial) Special Issue: Phenomenological and micromechanical modeling of continuous media, Archive of Applied Mechanics 85, 2015
  • Rothe, S., Hartmann, S.: Automatic Differentiation for stress and consistent tangent computation, Archive of Applied Mechanics 85(8), 2015, 1103-1125
  • Al-Kinani, R., Netz, T., Hartmann, S.: Transversal isotropy based on a multiplicative decomposition of the deformation gradient within p-version finite elements, Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 95(7), 2015, 742-761
  • Gelbstein, Y., Haim, Y., Kalabukhov, S., Kasiyan, V., Hartmann, S., Rothe, S., Frage, N.: Correlation between thermal and electrical properties of Spark Plasma Sintered (SPS) porous copper, in: Sintering Techniques of Materials, Lakshmanan, A. (Ed.), 2015, 155 - 166
  • Hartmann, S., Sguazzo, C.: Strain Analysis in Sandwich Structures using Digital Image Correlation, in: Fortschrittsberichte der Materialforschung und Werkstofftechnik / Bulletin of Materials Research and Engineering, Clausthaler Zentrum für Materialtechnik, Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 2015, 61-71
  • Rothe, S., Erbts, P., Düster, A., Hartmann, S.: Monolithic and partitioned coupling schemes for thermo-viscoplasticity, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 293, 2015, 375-410
  • Erbts, P., Hartmann, S., Düster, A.: A partitioned solution approach for electro-thermo-mechanical problems, Archive of Applied Mechanics 85, 2015, 1075-1101
  • Netz, T., Hartmann, S.: A monolithic finite element approach using high-order schemes in time and space applied to finite strain thermo-viscoelasticity, Computers & Mathematics with Applications 70(7), 2015, 1457-1480
  • Rothe, S.: Electro-thermo-mechanical modeling of Field Assisted Sintering Technology: experiments, constitutive modeling and finite element analysis (Doctoral Thesis)
  • Rothe, S., Schmidt, J.-H., Hartmann, S.: Analytical and numerical treatment of electro-thermo-mechanical coupling, Archive of Applied Mechanics 85, 2015, 1245-1264
  • S.Hartmann: Technische Mechanik, Wiley, Weinheim, 2015 (ISBN: 978-3-527-33699-9)
  • Sguazzo, C., Hartmann, S.: Experimental investigations on PP-PE foil specimens, PAMM Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 15, 2015, 229 - 230
  • Krämer, S., Rothe, S., Hartmann, S.: Homogeneous stress-strain states computed by 3D-stress algorithms of FE-codes. Application to material parameter identification, Engineering with Computers 31(1), 2015, 141-159
  • Krämer, S.: Einfluss von Unsicherheiten in Materialparametern auf Finite-Elemente Simulationen (Doctoral Thesis)


  • Yosibash, Z., Weiss, D., Hartmann, S.: High-order FEMs for thermo-hyperelasticity at finite strains, Computers & Mathematics with Applications 67, 2014, 477 - 496
  • Sguazzo, C., Harhash, M., Grafenhorst, M., Palkowski, H., Hartmann, S.: Deep drawing of a layered composite: material characterization and finite-element simulation, PAMM Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 14, 2014, 245 - 246
  • Grafenhorst, M., Hartmann, S., Rang, J.: Second-order time-integration in inelastic dynamical systems, PAMM Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 14, 2014, 217 - 218
  • Rothe, S., Hartmann, S.: Powder compaction. Experiments, modeling and simulation, PAMM Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 14, 2014, 457 - 458
  • Al-Kinani, R.: Thermo-mechanical coupling of transversely isotropic materials using high-order finite elements (Doctoral Thesis)


  • Netz, T., Düster, A., Hartmann, S.: High-order finite elements compared to low-order mixed element formulations, Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 93(2-3), 2013, 163 - 176
  • Netz, T., Hamkar, A.-W., Hartmann, S.: High-order quasi-static finite element computations in space and time with application to finite strain viscoelasticity, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 66(4), 2013, 441-459
  • Hartmann, S., Rothe, S.: A rigorous application of the method of vertical lines to coupled systems in finite element analysis, in: Ansorge, R., Bijl, H., Meister, A. and Sonar, T. (eds.), Numerics of Nonlinear Hyperbolic Conservation Laws, Notes on Numerical FluidMechanics andMultidisciplinary Design 120, 161 - 175, Springer, 2013
  • Hartmann, S., Rothe, S., Frage, N.: Electro-thermo-elastic simulation of graphite tools used in SPS processes, in: Altenbach, H., Forest, S. and Krivtsov, A. (eds.), Generalized Continua as Models of Materials, Advanced Structured Materials 22, Springer, 143 - 161
  • Erbts, P., Rothe, S., Düster, A., Hartmann, S.: Energy conserving data transfer in the partitioned treatment of thermo-viscoplastic problems, PAMM Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 13, 2013, 211 - 212
  • Hartmann, S., Netz, T. High-order time-integration applied to p-version finite elements within finite strain thermoviscoelasticity, PAMM Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 13, 2013, 205 - 206
  • Hamkar, A.-W.: Eine iterationsfreie Finite-Elemente Methode im Rahmen der finiten Thermoviskoelastizität (PhD-thesis)
  • Netz, T.: High-order space and time discretization scheme applied to problems of finite thermo-viscoelasticity (PhD-thesis)


  • Hamkar, A.-W., Hartmann, S.: Theoretical and numerical aspects in weak-compressible finite strain thermo-elasticity, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 50(1), 2012, 3-22
  • Rothe, S., Hamkar, A.-W., Quint, K. J., Hartmann, S.: Comparison of diagonal-implicit, linear-implicit and half-explicit Runge-Kutta methods in non-linear finite element analyses, Archive of Applied Mechanics, 82(8), 2012, 1057 – 1074
  • Hamkar, A.-W., Hartmann, S., Rang, J.: A stiffly accurate Rosenbrock-type method of order 2, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 62(12), 2012, 1837 - 1848
  • Hartmann, S.: Comparison of the multiplicative decompositions F = FQFM and F = FMFQ in finite strain thermo-elasticity, Technical Report Series, Faculty of Mathematics/Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering, Clausthal University of Technology (Germany), Fac3-12-01 July 2012
  • Hartmann, S.: Experiments and modeling of nonmetallic materials, Archive of Applied Mechanics 82(8), 2012, p. 1005
  • Erbts, P., Rothe, S., Düster, A., Hartmann, S.: Coupling algorithms for small strain thermo-viscoplasticity: monolithic vs. partitioned approach, in: Heim, H.-P., Biermann, D., Maier, J. (eds.), Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Thermo-Mechanically Graded Materials, Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten, Auerbach, 81 - 86, 2012
  • Krämer, S., Rothe, S., Hartmann, S.: Material parameter identification using model reduction to uniaxial tensile tests, PAMM Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 12, 2012, 315 - 316
  • Rothe, S., Hartmann, S.: Accelerating constitutive modeling by automatic tangent generation, PAMM Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 12, 2012, 313 - 314
  • Al-Kinani, R., Hartmann, S., Netz, T.: Anisotropic finite strain hyperelasticity based on the multiplicative decomposition of the deformation gradient, PAMM Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 12, 2012, 295 - 296
  • Hauswaldt, S., Korzen, M., Hartmann, S.: A continuum-mechanical model for FE-simulations of steel constructions in fire, 7th International Conference on Structures in Fire, 6.-8.6.2012, Zurich, Switzerland, p. 1-10
  • Hartmann, S., Rothe, S., Frage, N.: Aspekte der Simulation von Kompaktierungsvorgängen an Pulvermaterialien, in (Eds.) Kolaska, H.: Pulvermetallurgie - zukunftsweisend vom Rohstoff bis zur Anwendung, Pulvermetallurgie in Wissenschaft und Praxis, Band 28, Heimdall Verlag, Dortmund, 127 - 142, 2012


  • Quint, K. J., Hartmann, S., Rothe, S., Saba, N., Steinhoff, K.: Experimental validation of high-order time integration for non-linear heat transfer problems, Computational Mechanics, 48 (1), 2011, 81-96
  • Rothe, S., Hartmann, S., Hamkar, A.-W., Quint, K.J.: A comparison of time adaptive integration methods for small and large strain viscoelasticity, PAMM Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 11(1), 2011, 263-264
  • Netz, T., Hartmann, S., Hamkar, A.-W.: Application of Rosenbrock-type methods to the p-version of finite elements, PAMM Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 11(1), 2011, 255-256
  • Hartmann, S.: DAE-Interpretation bei FE-Berechnungen, GAMM-Rundbrief, 1/2011, 18-21
  • Hartmann, S., Hamkar, A.-W., Netz, T.: Verfahren höherer Ordnung in Raum und Zeit mit Anwendung auf Gleitlagerberechnungen, in (Eds.) Hanschke, T.: Simulationswissenschaftliches Zentrum der Technischen Universität Clausthal. Bericht 2009-2010, Simulationswissenschaftliches Zentrum TU Clausthal, 122 - 129, 2011
  • Quint, K. J.: Thermomechanically coupled processes for functionally graded products: experiments, modeling, and finite element analysis using high-order DIRK-methods (PhD-thesis)


  • Hartmann, S., Hamkar, A.-W.: Rosenbrock-type methods applied to finite element computations within finite strain viscoelasticity, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 199 (23-24), 2010, 1455-1470
  • Birken, P., Quint, K. J., Hartmann, S., Meister, A.: A time-adaptive fluid-structure interaction method for thermal coupling, Computing and Visualization in Science, 13 (7), 2010, 331-340
  • Hartmann, S.: The Class of Simo & Pister-type hyperelasticity relations, in: Technical Report Series Fac3-10-02, Faculty of Mathematics/Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering, Clausthal University of Technology (Germany), 1–10, 2010
  • Netz, T., Hartmann, S.: High-order time integration in the p-version of finite elements, PAMM Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 10, 2010, 201-202
  • Birken, P., Quint, K.J., Hartmann, S., Meister, A.: Choosing norms in adaptive FSI calculations, PAMM Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 10, 2010, 555-556
  • Hartmann, S.: Die vier Säulen der Festkörpermechanik an der TU Clausthal, in: Jahresbericht 2008 - 2009, S. Hartmann und G. Brenner (Eds.), Berichte des Instituts für Technische Mechanik 1/2010, TU Clausthal, 25 - 40, 2010


  • (Eds.) S. Hartmann, A. Meister, M. Schäfer, S. Turek: Fluid-Structure-Interaction. Theory, Numerics and Applications, Kassel University Press, 2009, (ISBN 978-3-89958-666-4)
  • Hartmann, S., Duintjer Tebbens, J., Quint, K.J., Meister, A.: Iterative solvers within sequences of large linear systems in non-linear structural mechanics, Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 89(9), 2009, 711-728
  • Birken, P., Quint, K.J., Hartmann, S., Meister, A.: On coupling schemes for heat transfer in FSI applications, in (Eds.) S. Hartmann, A. Meister, M. Schäfer, S. Turek: Fluid-Structure-Interaction. Theory, Numerics and Applications, Kassel University Press, 21 – 30, 2009
  • Hartmann, S., Kuhl, D., Quint, J. K.: Time-adaptive computation of thermoviscoplastic structures, in (Eds.) Steinhoff, K., Maier, H. J., Biermann, D.: Functionally graded materials in industrial mass production, Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten, Auerbach (Germany), 269-282, 2009
  • Hartmann, S., Meister, A., Birken, P., Quint, J. K.: Thermal fluid-structure-interaction of cooling processes in steel forming, in (Eds.) Steinhoff, K., Maier, H. J., Biermann, D.: Functionally graded materials in industrial mass production, Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten, Auerbach (Germany), 283-292, 2009
  • Hartmann, S., Hamkar, A.-W.: Übertragung von Rosenbrock-Verfahren auf Finite-Elemente Berechnungen für elastomere Strukturen. in (Eds.) Brenner, G., Hanschke, T., Kolonko, M.: Simulationswissenschaftliches Zentrum der Technischen Universität Clausthal. Bericht 2007-2008, Simulationswissenschaftliches Zentrum TU Clausthal, 158 – 165, 2009
  • Hartmann, S., Quint, K. J.: Zeitadaptive thermomechanisch gekoppelte Strukturberechnungen mit Hilfe der Methode der finiten Elemente in (Eds.) Brenner, G., Hanschke, T., Kolonko, M.: Simulationswissenschaftliches Zentrum der Technischen Universität Clausthal. Bericht 2007-2008, Simulationswissenschaftliches Zentrum TU Clausthal, 165 – 172, 2009
  • Birken, P., Hartmann, S., Meister, A., Quint, K.: On higher order time integration for thermal coupling, in (Eds.) Simos, T. E., Psihoyios, G., Tsitouras, C.: Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics Vol.2, American Institute of Physics, AIP Conference Proceedings, Melville, New York, 1184 - 1187, 2009


  • Hartmann, S. , Bier, W.: High-order time integration applied to metal powder plasticity, International Journal of Plasticity 24 (1), 2008, 17-54
  • Heisserer, U., Hartmann, S., Bier, W., Düster, A., Yosibash, Z., Rank, E.: p-FEM for finite deformation powder compaction, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 197 (6-8), 2008, 727-740
  • Szanto, M., Bier, W., Frage, N., Hartmann, S., Yosibash, Z.: Experimental based finite element simulation of cold isostatic pressing of metal powders, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 50, 2008, 405-421
  • Hartmann, S., Quint, K.J., Hamkar, A.-W.: Displacement control in time-adaptive non-linear finite-element analysis, Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 88(5), 2008, 342-364
  • Heisserer, U., Hartmann, S., Düster, A. and Yosibash, Z.: On volumetric locking-free behavior of p-version finite elements under finite deformations, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering 24, 2008, 1019-1032
  • Hartmann, S., Quint, K.J., Arnold, M.: On plastic incompressibility within time-adaptive finite elements combined with projection techniques, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 198, 2008, 178-193
  • Hamkar, A.-W., Hartmann, S.: Application of Rosenbrock-type methods to a large finite element formulation based on large strain viscoelasticity, PAMM Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 8, 2008, 10281-10282
  • Quint, K.J., Hartmann, S., Meister, A., Tebbens, J.D.: Efficient finite element analysis of inelastic structures with iterative solvers, PAMM Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 8, 2008, 10331-10332


  • Yosibash, Z., Hartmann, S., Heisserer, U., Düster, A., Rank, E., Szanto, M.: Axisymmetric pressure boundary loading for finite deformation analysis using p-FEM, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 196, 2007, 1261-1277
  • Bier, W., Dariel, M.P., Frage, N., Hartmann, S., Michailov, O.: Die compaction of copper powder designed for material parameter identification, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 49, 2007, 766-777
  • Hartmann, S., Wensch, J.: Finite element analysis of viscoelastic structures using Rosenbrock-type methods, Computational Mechanics 40 (2), 2007, 383-398
  • Hamkar, A.-W., Hartmann, S.: Application of Rosenbrock-type methods to a constitutive model of polymeric material, PAMM Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 7, 2007, p. 4060045-4060046
  • Hartmann, S., Bier, W.: Modeling and computation of metal powder compaction processes, PAMM Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 7, 2007, p. 4060043-4060044
  • Quint, K.J., Hartmann, S.: The multiple intermediate configuration approach and its influence on DIRK/MLNA finite element procedure, PAMM Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 7, 2007, p. 4060005-4060006


  • Hartmann, S., Gibmeier, J., Scholtes, B.: Experiments and material parameter identification using finite elements. Uniaxial tests and validation using instrumented indentation tests, Experimental Mechanics 46 (1), 2006, 5-18
  • Bier, W., Hartmann, S.: A finite strain constitutive model for metal powder compaction using a unique and convex single surface yield function, European Journal of Mechanics, Series A/Solids 25, 2006, 1009-1030
  • Hartmann, S.: A thermomechanically consistent constitutive model for polyoxymethylene: experiments, material modeling and computation, Archive of Applied Mechanics 76, 2006 , 349-366


  • Gibmeier, J., Hartmann, S., Scholtes, B.: Effect of applied and residual stresses on the analysis of mechanical properties by means of instrumented indentation techniques, Materials Science Forum 490-491, 2005, 454-459
  • Hartmann, S.: A remark on the application of the Newton-Raphson method in non-linear finite element analysis, Computational Mechanics 36 (2), 2005, 100-116
  • Bier, W., Hartmann, S.: A finite strain viscoplasticity model for cold compaction processes of metal powders, PAMM Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 5, 2005, 263-264
  • Hartmann, S.: Modeling and simulation of polyoxymethylene, PAMM Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 5, 2005, 273-274


  • Hartmann, S.: Newton- vs. Multilevel-Newton method in the FEM, PAMM Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 4, 2004, 318-319


  • Hartmann, S.: Finite Elemente inelastischer Kontinua. Interpretation als Algebro-Differentialgleichungssysteme, Habilitation (Bericht 1/2003) am Institut für Mechanik der Universität Kassel, 2003
  • Hartmann, S., Neff, P.: Polyconvexity of generalized polynomial-type hyperelastic strain energy functions for near-incompressibility, International Journal of Solids and Structures 40 (11), 2003, 2767-2791
  • Hartmann, S., Tschöpe, T., Schreiber, L., Haupt, P.: Large deformations of a carbon black-filled rubber. Experiment, optical measurement and parameter identification using finite elements, European Journal of Mechanics, Series A/Solids 22, 2003, 309-324
  • Düster, A., Hartmann, S., Rank, E.: p-fem applied to finite isotropic hyperelastic bodies, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 192 (47-48), 2003, 5147-5166
  • Hartmann, S.: Computational aspects of the symmetric eigenvalue problem of second order tensors, Technische Mechanik 23 (2-4), 2003, 283-294
  • Düster, A., Hartmann, S.: High order anisotropic finite elements for three-dimensional isotropic hyperelastic continua, in: (Ed.) BATHE, K.-J.: Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics 2003, Vol.1, Elsevier, Oxford, 2003, 238-241
  • Hartmann, S.: On displacement control within the DIRK/MLNA approach in non-linear finite element analysis, in: (Ed.) BATHE, K.-J.: Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics 2003, Vol.1, Elsevier, Oxford, 2003, 316-319
  • Wensch, J., Podhaisky, H., Hartmann, S.: Time integration of index 1 DAEs with Rosenbrock methods using Krylov subspace techniques, PAMM Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 3, 2003, 573-574
  • Hartmann, S., Lion, A., Haupt, P.: Editorial, International Journal of Plasticity 19, 2003, 907


  • Hartmann, S.: Computation in finite strain viscoelasticity: finite elements based on the interpretation as differential-algebraic equations, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 191 (13-14), 2002, 1429-1470
  • Hartmann, S.: Comparative Studies of Solution Techniques in Non-Linear Finite-Element Computations, in: (Eds.) H.A. Mang, F.G. Rammerstorfer, J. Eberhardsteiner, J.: Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM V), July 7-12, 2002, Vienna University of Technology, Austria


  • Ellsiepen, P., Hartmann, S.: Remarks on the interpretation of current non-linear finite element analyses as differential-algebraic equations, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 51, 2001, 679-707
  • Hartmann, S.: Numerical studies on the identification of the material parameters of Rivlin’s hyperelasticity using tension-torsion tests, Acta Mechanica 148, 2001, 129-155
  • Hartmann, S.: Parameter estimation of hyperelasticity relations of generalized polynomial-type with constraint conditions, International Journal of Solids and Structures 38 (44-45), 2001, 7999-8018
  • Hartmann, S., Haupt, P., Tschöpe, T.: Parameter identification with a direct search method using finite elements, in: (Eds.) D. Besdo & R.H. Schuster & J. Ihlemann: Constitutive Models for Rubber II, Balkema Publ., Lisse, 2001, 249-256
  • Hartmann, S.: Finite-element computation of large strain viscoelastic structures using diagonally implicit Runge-Kutta methods, in: 2nd European Conference on Computational Mechanics 2001, ECCM 2001, on CDROM, 26.6-29.6. 2001, 20 pages, Cracow, Poland


  • Diegele, E., Hartmann, S., Tsakmakis, C.: Finite deformation plasticity and viscoplasticity laws exhibiting nonlinear hardening rules, Part II: representative examples, Computational Mechanics 25, 2000, 13-27
  • Hartmann, S.: A time-adaptive finite-element procedure applied to creep and relaxation processes, ZAMM Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 80, Suppl.2, 2000, S515-S516
  • Hartmann, S.: Computation of finite-strain viscoelastic material behaviour incorporating non-linear rate-dependence, in: (Eds.) A.S. Khan, H. Zhang, Y. Yuan: Plastic and Viscoplastic Response of Materials and Metal Forming, Proceedings of PLASTICITY ’00, The 8th International Symposium on Plasticity and Its Current Applications, Whistler, Canada 16.-20. July 2000, NEAT Press Maryland, 2000, 131-133


  • Hartmann, S.: A time-adaptive FE-analysis of inelastic structures, in: (Ed.) W. Wunderlich, Proceedings of the European Conference on Computational Mechanics 1999, ECCM ’99, on CD-ROM, 31.8-3.9.1999, 14 pages, Munich, Germany


  • (Eds.) S. Hartmann, C. Tsakmakis: Aspekte der Kontinuumsmechanik und Materialtheorie, Gesamthochschul-Bibliothek Verlag, Kassel 1998, (ISBN 3-88122-943-4)
  • (Eds.) S. Hartmann, P. Haupt, V. Ulbricht: Modellierung und Identifikation, Gesamthochschul-Bibliothek Verlag, Kassel 1998, (ISBN 3-88122-943-4)
  • Hartmann, S., Kamlah, M., Koch, A.: Numerical aspects of a non-proportional cyclic plasticity model under plane stress conditions, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 42, 1998, 1477-1498
  • Gloth, G., Hartmann, S., Haupt, P.: Untersuchung des aeroelastischen Verhaltens rotierender Tragflügel mit der Methode der finiten Elemente, ZAMM Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 78, Suppl.1, 1998, S403-S404
  • Hartmann, S., Lion, A., Haupt, P.: Zur Modellierung von Kriecheigenschaften von Beton, ZAMM Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 78, Suppl.2, 1998, S457-S458
  • Hartmann, S.: Nichtlineare Finite-Elemente-Berechnung angewendet auf ein Viskoplastizitätsmodell mit Überspannungen, in: (Eds.) S. Hartmann, C. Tsakmakis: Aspekte der Kontinuumsmechanik und Materialtheorie, Gesamthochschul-Bibliothek Verlag, Kassel 1998, 55-80, (ISBN 3-88122-943-4)
  • Hartmann, S.: Zur Berechnung inelastischer Festkörper mit der Methode der finiten Elemente, in: (Eds.) S. Hartmann & P. Haupt & V. Ulbricht, Modellierung und Identifikation, Gesamthochschul-Bibliothek Verlag, Kassel 1998, 119-130, (ISBN 3-88122-973-6)


  • Hartmann, S., Lührs, G., Haupt, P.: An efficient stress algorithm with applications in viscoplasticity and plasticity, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 40, 1997, 991-1013
  • Lührs, G., Hartmann, S., Haupt, P.: On the numerical treatment of finite deformations in elastoviscoplasticity, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 144, 1997, 1-21
  • Gloth, G., Hartmann, S., Haupt, P.: A finite element approach to rotary-wing aeroelasticity, in: CEAS (Confederation Forum of European Aerospace Societies) International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics, 17.-20. June 1997 - Rome, Italy, Vol.III, 143-150
  • Hartmann, S., Lion, A., Haupt, P.: Beschreibung der Kriecheigenschaften von Beton durch rheologische Modelle mit fraktioneller Ordnung, in: (Eds.) F. Blaschke, G. Günther, J. Kollegger: Materialmodelle und Methoden zur wirklichkeitsnahen Berechnung von Beton-, Stahlbeton- und Spannbetonbauteilen, Gesamthochschul-Bibliothek Verlag, Kassel 1997, 104-111, (ISBN 3-88122-903-5)


  • Hartmann, S., Haupt, P.: Implizite Spannungsintegration bei finiten plastischen Deformationen unter Berücksichtigung nichtlinearer kinematischer Verfestigung, ZAMM Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 74, 1994, T230-T232
  • Hartmann, S., Lührs, G.: Ein Finite-Element-Konzept für nichtlineare kinematische Verfestigung bei kleinen elastischen und finiten plastischen Deformationen, in: Bruhns, O.T. (Ed.), Große plastische Formänderungen, Bad Honnef 1994, Mitteilung Nr.93 am Institut für Mechanik der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 1994, 101-104


  • Hartmann, S., Haupt, P.: Stress computation and consistent tangent operator using non-linear kinematic hardening models, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 36, 1993, 3801-3814
  • S. Hartmann: Lösung von Randwertaufgaben der Elastoplastizität. Ein Finite-Elemente-Konzept für nichtlineare kinematische Verfestigung bei kleinen und finiten Verzerrungen, Dissertation (Bericht 1/1993) am Institut für Mechanik der Universität Gesamthochschule Kassel, 1993


  • Hartmann, S., Schulz, J.-U., Mehlhorn, G.: A hypoelastic concrete model for finite element analysis of reinforced concrete structures, SCI-C Computer Aided Analysis and Design of Concrete Structures, Eds. Bicanic, N. & Mang. H., Second International Conference held in Zell am See, Austria, 4th - 6th April 1990, 883-895